TEDxLeidenUniversity 2024

  • This year’s theme is Untamed. Unleash the raw, unbridled potential within, as daring minds converge to challenge norms, ignite passions, and explore new realms. At TEDxLeidenUniversity, we invite you to step on stage to share your innovative ideas, defy boundaries and redefine possibilities.

    The TEDxLeidenUniversity 2024 conference took place on Saturday, April 20th at PLNT, in Leiden! Browse through the official event pictures here.

    On November 29th our Pitch Night took place, where ten inspiring speakers shared their ideas with the world. Click here to watch their speeches!

Our topic for last year was Unmuted, when we asked speakers to focus on challenging taboos by unmuting themselves and bringing to light ideas that are too often hidden from the spotlight. To experience the conference once again check out the photos and talks from the event.